One Ashford News

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty surgery is now available at One Ashford Hospital, but what exactly does it involve?   Consultant Plastic Surgeon Miss Anita Hazari explains what is involved in cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) and what you can expect from the procedure.   Blepharoplasty Surgery The skin loses its elasticity and our muscles slacken with age. For the eyelids…

Exciting times ahead with the appointment of our new Outpatient Manager

  One Ashford Hospital is delighted to announce the appointment of Esther Tanton as our new Outpatient Manager.   Esther initially joined One Ashford as a bank nurse in 2018, working in Pre-Assessment. In February 2019, she took on a permanent role in the same department as a full-time junior sister. Esther found this to…

One Ashford ENT Consultant teaches pioneering surgery

    This summer has been a busy academic one for Ms Codruta Neumann, ENT surgeon at One Ashford Hospital.  She taught ear surgery in Romania to ENT specialists at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca.           Ms Neumann then went on to present her results to the international ear…

Non-Surgical Face Lifts now available at One Ashford Hospital

  We are delighted to announce that Dr Deborah McManners is now offering Non-Surgical Face Lifting treatment at One Ashford Hospital.   Non-Surgical Face Lift – What is it and what does it do? Most of us are aware of what a face lift is, but what do we know about non-surgical face lifts?  Are…

Back Pain: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

  More and more people are suffering with back, neck and muscular disorders in the UK today. The impact on our working life is increasing with more than 31 million working days lost at a cost of £14bn to the economy.   Most people will experience an episode of acute back pain at some point,…

Abdominoplasty Explained by Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Miss Anita Hazari

  Abdominoplasty with Miss Anita Hazari   Miss Anita Hazari, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at One Ashford Hospital explains more about Abdominoplasty, what the procedure involves and what you can expect before and after your surgery.   What is Abdominoplasty? Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a major surgical procedure wherein the excess skin…

ENT Surgeon awarded the Certificate of Excellence by iWantGreatCare

    One Ashford Hospital is pleased to announce that Miss Codruta Neumann, Consultant ENT Surgeon has been awarded the iWantGreatCare Certificate of Excellence 2019.   Certificates of Excellence are an annual award which is given to those who have consistently received outstanding feedback.  Miss Neumann’s top ratings confirm a five-star patient experience.   Miss…

Quality Account from One Ashford Hospital – Commitment to Quality and Care

  One Ashford Hospital is pleased to present its third Quality Account for April 2018 to March 2019.  Our latest Quality Account demonstrates One Ashford Hospital’s commitment to care and quality.  It highlights and celebrates the achievements for the year, along with the priorities for the coming year.  The account is developed through feedback from…

One Ashford Hospital Summer Newsletter

Our latest summer newsletter is now available to view online      Our latest news includes: A message from our Senior Management team FREE mini consultations available at the hospital Endoscopy services Information on our public events throughout the summer Rapid imaging and diagnostics Treatment for snoring Paying for your own treatment How to access…