One Ashford News

Bladder Cancer and Blood in Urine with Mr Milan Thomas

  Blood in Urine (Haematuria) Blood in the urine could be a sign of underlying disease of the urinary system, including bladder and kidney cancer or diseases of the kidney.  It should not be ignored and if concerned you should seek a specialist opinion from a Urologist and sometimes a kidney doctor.   Are there…

Global Handwashing Day 2020

  Global Handwashing Day is held every year on the 15th October and is dedicated to increasing awareness around handwashing.  Understanding the importance of handwashing with soap is an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases, as we all know that handwashing save lives and has never been more important than it is today with…

One Ashford Winter 2020 Newsletter

  One Ashford Hospital is pleased to release its Winter 2020 newsletter which is available to fully download here. You can find out how the hospital has adapted to meet the national guidelines for treating patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring your utmost safety during your stay with us. Our Consultants provide insightful information on…

World Mental Health Day

  This year, the World Mental Health Day’s campaign is to increase investment in mental health.   All of us have faced significant challenges this year with our lives changing considerably in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Over the past months, healthcare workers have faced difficult circumstances when providing care.  Many have been troubled…

One Ashford Physiotherapist runs the London Marathon – virtually!

  The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has seen the majority of sporting events either cancelled or postponed, but the London Marathon managed to go ahead at the weekend, even if it did involve a bit of creative thinking!  So to celebrate its 40th anniversary, this years’ marathon was held virtually.   One Ashford Hospital’s…

Management and Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis with Mr Bal Dhinsa

  Mr Bal Dhinsa, Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon at One Ashford Hospital discusses plantar fasciitis and management and treatment for the condition.   Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain.  It is inflammation of the sheet of tissue (plantar fascia), that forms the arch of the foot, going from the heel to the toes….

Reopening of Outpatient Clinics from Monday 15th June 20

  One Ashford Hospital is pleased to announce we will be reopening our Outpatient clinics from Monday 15th June for Private consultations.  Over the last 12 weeks we have been working directly with the NHS to treat and care for cancer patients as we remained a COVID free hospital. In order for us to continue…

Arthritis and Knee Replacement Surgery with Mr Simon Ellis

  Mr Simon Ellis, Consultant Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon at One Ashford Hospital provides insight into knee arthritis and when to consider knee replacement surgery.   Suffering from knee arthritis can be an extremely limiting condition.  In general, symptoms include gradually increasing knee pain and gradually deteriorating function.  In the early stages, it is often possible…

Psychophysical Education and Alexander Technique at One Ashford Hospital

  Psychophysical Education is a mindful, educational approach to everyday activity that enhances wellbeing and can help reduce chronic pain and improve clinical symptoms.  It is based on a holistic concept of human function, and an understanding of our sense of self. What do we mean by a holistic concept of human function? Though we…