One Ashford News

Get back to training with One Ashford Sports Injury Clinic

The benefits of sports and exercise are well known, and those of us who have an active lifestyle know how frustrating it can be when an injury stops us from training.  Sports injuries can be caused by a whole range of different things including an accident, poor technique, not warming up or pushing ourselves too…

The One Ashford Theatre Staff and COVID-19

  During the Covid -19 pandemic, Theatres at One Ashford Hospital have had to adjust to the challenges of working with an unknown assailant that the virus was in March 2020.   Lisa DeBono, Theatre Manager explains how the hospital managed the challenges they faced during these uncertain times.   ‘The COVID-19 pandemic has meant…

Quality Account from One Ashford Hospital – Commitment to Quality and Care

One Ashford Hospital is pleased to present its latest Quality Account for April 2019 to March 2020.    Our latest Quality Account demonstrates One Ashford Hospital’s commitment to care and quality.  It highlights and celebrates the achievements for the year, along with the priorities for the coming year.  The account is developed through feedback from…

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 2021

  This week marks Cervical Cancer Prevention Week which is an opportunity to raise awareness on the risks of cervical cancer, and help people learn how they can reduce their risk of developing the disease.   Cervical cancer is the 14th most common cancer in women, with approximately 3,200 new cancers every year.  It is…

Painful Hands & Wrists with Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr Andrew Smith

  Your hand may hurt after an obvious injury or for no obvious reason at all.  The majority of problems with the hand have a specific cause and can be treated either by a Specialist Hand Therapist or by a Specialist Hand Surgeon.   Common injuries include joint sprains, ligament tears and fractures of the…

The Role of Independent Healthcare During the COVID-19 Outbreak

  Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Helmut Zahn, Chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee at One Ashford Hospital   Over the past few months, healthcare in the United Kingdom has been put under enormous pressure by the Coronavirus outbreak. Because of the unknown nature of this new predator, drastic action had to be taken, in order to…

Verso Stemless Bone Preserving Reverse Shoulder Replacement with Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr Jai Relwani

  Every year, several conventional total shoulder replacements are successfully performed in the UK for patients with shoulder arthritis. This type of surgery, however, is less beneficial for patients with large rotator cuff tears who have developed a complex type of shoulder arthritis called “cuff tear arthropathy.” For these patients, a conventional total shoulder replacement…

Wide Awake Surgery with Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr Chris James

  Following the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the safety of our patients is becoming even more crucial than ever. Where previous operations were mostly performed asleep under general anaesthetic, medical advances have made it possible to now operate with patients awake during their procedure. This is carried out via injections at the top of…

Lung Cancer Awareness Month – Understanding the Myths

  November is lung cancer awareness month (LCAM) and is intended to raise awareness about the potential causes and risk factors of the disease. It also promotes the need for screening, and the importance of research to identify more effective treatments.   Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK, with over…