The UroLift transprostatic implant is a clinically proven treatment for bothersome urinary symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). The UroLift System treatment is a straightforward procedure that is performed by a Consultant Urologist. Surgical treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) can be broadly classified as shrinking (injection of steam, prostatic artery embolisation ), resection (TURP, Holmium Laser enucleation, Greenlight laser photo vaporisation) , and insertion of an implant (prostatic stent, UroLift).
What is the advantage of the Urolift procedure?
The UroLift System is an alternative for patients looking for something other than drug therapy or more invasive surgery. The main advantage of the Urolift procedure, which has now been in use in the USA for 5 years, is that no tissue is removed, whilst an immediate improvement in outflow obstruction is achieved. The implant in the prostatic urethra effectively staples the anterior lateral lobe to the capsule. This thus opens out the obstructed passage through the prostate, by placing an implant on each side. In larger prostates 2 implants are placed on each side.
How long will it take?
The UroLift procedure is short- approximately 15 minutes. There is no bleeding of significance, no need for irrigation or a catheter, and it is usually carried out under a combination of IV sedation and Instillagel topically. The patient may leave the hospital after 2 urinary voids.
What results can I expect?
The 5 year results indicate similar outcomes to TURP, but without the serious complications such as reactionary or secondary haemorrhage. The procedure can be repeated; it does not preclude subsequent operations such as TURP or radical prostatectomy. This is considered an important adjunct to existing, established treatment, given the proportion of elderly men who are on some form of anticoagulant therapy or have multiple co-morbidities.
Urolift is available at One Ashford Hospital with a number of Consultant Urologists.
Why choose One Ashford Hospital?
- Competitive fixed-price packages
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*Terms and conditions apply
**Dependent on Consultant availability