Have you developed a problem with your sense of smell or taste? Miss Joanna Stephens, Consultant ENT Surgeon at One Hatfield Hospital, answers some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the loss of sense of smell and taste, and the general condition known as anosmia.
Have you developed a problem with your sense of smell or taste?
As a result of Covid-19, loss of sense of smell has been in the news a lot in the last few years. Lots of people have become aware that their sense of smell or taste, or both, have been altered or even lost completely, secondary to Covid-19 infection, but it can also happen after a normal head cold, a head injury, or for no obvious reason.
Should I be worried?
People can sometimes lose their sense of smell or taste, either partially or completely. This can happen for a number of different reasons and is a good reason to seek the advice of an Ear Nose & Throat Consultant. I specialise in Smell & Taste disorders and have run the Hertfordshire Smell & Taste Clinic at the Lister Hospital since 2017.
Losing your sense of smell is often very upsetting for patients and can make people feel very sad or down.
Will my sense of smell or taste come back?
Some people will get improvement of their symptoms over time, but the amount your senses return depends on the cause of your loss of smell & taste. The early data which we have suggests that patients who have lost their sense of smell due to Covid-19 infection will, in most cases, see a spontaneous recovery of their symptoms within a few weeks. People often experience a dramatic decrease in their sense of taste when their smell is diminished as the 2 senses are intrinsically linked, and often see an improvement if the sense of smell gets better.
If this does not happen, it is a good idea to arrange an appointment if your symptoms are bothering you and you would like some advice.
Is there anything I can do?
There are some treatments available including smell training, which have been shown to improve recovery in some patients. Under normal circumstances, I often treat patients with a short course of high dose oral steroids (Prednisolone), or if there are alterations or distortions of smell or taste other medications can be helpful.
Will I need to be seen in person?
I will need to meet you in person and examine your nose with a camera, in addition to a detailed history and examination.
Will I need to have any tests or examinations?
It may be required to arrange an investigation, often an MRI scan but sometimes a CT scan is more appropriate. If I feel your smell and taste loss is almost certainly caused by a Covid-19 infection, an MRI may not be required.